Diploma in Pastoral Leadership

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From 2015 onwards, PAROC is engaged in the training of lay leaders, clergy and religious with a special emphasis on accompaniment, family centered pastoral ministry and participatory leadership. We have hitherto conducted more than hundred short courses. Our training programmes are praxis oriented to equip the participants with skills that enhance their pastoral efficiancy. PAROC Research Institute would like to offer Diploma in Pastoral Leadership for lay leaders, religious and clergy as well as seminarians who are interested. The objective of this one year training programme is to equip catholic leaders for accompaniment, family centered-collaborative pastoral ministry. Those who complete the course successfully will be awarded with Diploma from PAROC Research Institute and Chair for Christian studies and Research, the University of Calicut.

General information

The Title of the Course

Diploma in Pastoral Leadership

Focus of the Course

Equipping Catholic Leaders for Accompaniment and Family Centered-Collaborative Pastoral Ministry

Expected Course Outcome

CO 1: To equip clergy, laity and religious engaged in various ministries in parishes and eparchies to work in collaborative and participatory style.
CO 2: Equiping them to organize and facilitate community-building-up activities and projects.
CO 3: For equiping them to engage in care for families.
CO 4: For giving a new vision of accompaniment of youth, children and elderly in the community
CO 5: To form Christian leadership to engaginging in evangelizing re-evangelizing of our Church and Society

Who can participate?

Lay leaders and Religious engaged in pastoral ministry in parishes, organizations and in dioceses. Besides, priests as well as seminarians who are interesed in this course are welcomed.


Plus Two.

Medium of the Course


Course Duration

October 2021 – June 2022. Registration until 20th September, 2021.


Pre-recorded Audio/Video Lessons, Contact Classes via online, Self-learning class notes, online debates, book/video reviews, paper presentations, field works, and Live and Learn – which is a residential leadership training programme.


70% of online contact classes.

Evaluation of the Course

Exams/Paper works/Field works

Course Fee

Rs. 1000 for Registration
Rs. 1500 for three days residential training programme (Optional)

Board of Studies (2021-2022)

1. Bishop Mar Tony Neelankavil, (Chairman), PAROC, 2. Dr. Saijo Thaikkattil (Executive Director, PAROC), 3. Fr. Jerin Arimboor (Coordinator of the Diploma Course), 4. Dr. Paul Pulikkan, 5. Dr. Sr. Rose Anitha FCC, 6. Prof. Mary Regina, 7. Dr. Ambrose Puthenveettil, 8. Dr. Sajan Pindiyan, 9. Dr. Bilju Vazhappilly, 10. Dr. Benny Neelankavil 11. Dr. Alex Marottickal

Programme Structure

The Diploma Course deal with 10 Themes Besides, there will be a book review and Paper Presentation. Each programme includes 8 teaching classes (video/audio) (b) 8 contact classes (in two days) (c) Materials for Reading/video/audio. (d) Each programme will have a practical session. Book review Paper Presentation

Awarding of Certificate

After successful Completion of the Course, the participants will be awarded Diploma certificate from the PAROC Research Institute and from Chair for Christian Studies & Research, University of Calicut.

Themes Dealt within the Diploma Programme






An Introduction to Pastoral Leadership

1. To introduce the students to this Diploma Programme and provide Basic orientations.

2. To have basic understanding of Christian Leadership

1. Dynamics of the Programme, 2. Biblical Perspectives on the Pastoral Leadership 3. Evangelization as Existential necessity of a Christian 4. Methodology of programme


Pastoral Leadership Skills and Orientations

1. Enrich with leadership qualities


1. Servant Leadership2. Power and Governance in the Church 3. Qualities of Good Leader 4. Challenges of Team building


Organizational Skills


1. To prepare the participants to lead and guide various organizations, family units, associations etc.

2. To equip them for overcoming various challenges in leading a group

1. Community Building - Socio Pastoral Theories 2. Skills for managing meetings and discussions 3. Planning skills 4.How to resolve problems



Structures and Methods of collaboration in the Church

1. To enhance vision of the participatory structures of the Church


1. General Introduction to Participatory structures 2. Participatory structures at Diocesan Level - Pastoral Council and Other Bodies 3. Participatory Structures at Parish Level - Parish Councils4. Participatory Structures at parish level - Basic Christian Communities, Associations and Movements


Faith Formation: Mission and Skills

1. To prepare zelous formators for handing over the faith to next generation.

2. To develop necessary pedagogies, methods and skills for proclaiming and communicating faith in today’s changing and challenging situations

1. Evangelization and Catechesis 2. Pedagogies, Methods and Skills for proclaiming faith

3. Faith Formation of Children 4. Youth and Adult Catechesis – challenges and methods


Faith and social media

1. To discover a variety of ways and means that enhance their personal communication, ministries and the fulfilment of the mission.

2. To explore principles and practices that are desirable for Christian use of communication media in today’s world.

1. Skills for effective communication 2. Communicating Faith through modern communication Medias 3. Social Media and pastoral challenges4. Guiding Children and youth for fruitful use of Media/ dealing with persons addicted to media


Animating Celebration of faith

  1. To equip the participants to animate liturgical celebrations of the community

  2. To lead prayer/meditation sessions


1. The art of celebration – Preparing the community for celebration 2. Leading meditation and prayer for a community3. Methods of interpreting the Word of God 4. Eucharist as the center of the ecclesial life


Family Centred Pastoral Ministry

1. Empower family apostolate skills

2. To refocus the orientation of pastoral ministry to family

1. Couples as Co-shepherds 2. Converting Families as the Place of Pastoral Action

3. How to handle the problems of families 4. Role of Organizations/Family units to strengthen families


The Art of Accompaniment - way and strategy

1. To help the participants to accompany children, youth and family whom they minister

2. To enhance compassionate vision for the participants

1. Compassionate mind2. Relationship Styles3. Motivational Skills4. Self-Mastering



Christian Socio- cultural  Involvement

1. To equip participants to engage in the political activities of the society while instilling the humanistic and social values in view of kingdom of god.

2. To offer a particular way of life and habits in the society.

1. Unity and Uniqueness of our Community2. Contribution of Christian Community to National Building 3. Involvement in Politics and Socio-cultural life of the Country - values and faith 4.  Community Strengthening through Social Welfare

Important Features

Praxis based Lessons
Skill Oriented Programmes
Pre-recorded audio/video lessons
Online Contact classes
Field works, Paper presentations
Debates, Book Reviews
Self-learning class notes, Case studies and Group Activities
Live and Learn - a residential leadership training programme
Personal accompaniment to participants
35 experts from various fields to lead the sessions
Medium - Malayalam

Resource Persons

Mar Tony Neelankavil, Dr. Sinto Porathur, Dr. Alex Marottickal, Dr. Sajan Pindiyan, Dr. Vincent Kundukulam, Fr. Pradheep Mapranathukaran, Fr. Fijo Alappadan, Dr. Biju Alappatt., Dr. Joby Kavungal, Fr. Denny Chirayath, Dr. Vincent Alappatt, Dr. Lijo Challissery, Dr. Peter M Raj, Dr. Benny Neelankavil, Fr. Roy Joseph Vaddakkan, Fr. Jaison Koonamplakkal, Dr. Saijo Thaikkattil, Dr. Augustine Kallelly, Dr. Tony Joseph, Dr. Sr. Sherin CHF, Dr. Denny Thanikkal, Dr. Sijohn Kuzhikkatumalil, Dr. Job Padayattil, Dr. Sebastian Cheripurath, Dr. Saji kanayankal, Dr. Pious Malakkendathil, Dr. Kochurani joseph, Fr. James Kokkavayalil, Dr. Mary Regina Dr. Varghese Palathingal, Dr. Ambros Puthenveetil, Fr. Bitaju Puthenpurackal O. SS. T. Fr. Jerin Arimbur


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